Suicides in Ireland – did you know?

  • As of April 2015, the population of Ireland was estimated to be 4,635,400 (Central Statistics Office)
  • Suicide was the cause of 541 deaths in Ireland in 2012 and 82.3% of these were men (source: NOSP Annual Report, 2014).
  • According to the IAS, the number of young women aged 15-24 taking their own lives trebled between 1990 and 2004.
  • Up to 74% of people know someone who has died by suicide (IAS, 2006).
  • 45% of people have had a friend who has died by suicide and 15% of people have had a family member who has died by suicide (IAS, 2006).
  • Reach Out is the National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention (2005 – 2014). In 2015, ‘Connecting for Life’- a new national strategy to reduce suicide was introduced. It is anticipated to run to 2020.

IAS – The Irish Association of Suicidology: NOSP – National Office for Suicide Prevention

Websites and points of contact

Note: The links are provided as a convenience only and should not be taken as an endorsement of any website, content, product or service. Visits to linked websites are at your own risk. helping to reduce suicide through research, intervention and support. Aware is a voluntary organization formed in 1985 by a group of interested patients, relatives and mental health professionals, whose aims are to assist those who are directly affected by depression. Childline Online is the website but children and young people can also contact Childline through a free, confidential helpline number 1800 66 66 66. website of The Irish Association of Suicidology. The site contains information on suicide, for the suicidal and help for those bereaved by suicide. providing practical help, information and support to persons bereaved by suicide in Ireland. Mental Health Ireland is a national voluntary organisation which aims to promote positive mental health and to actively support persons with a mental illness, their families and carers by identifying their needs and advocating their rights. the National Office for Suicide Prevention website is an information resource and is not intended to provide crisis support or referral. website of the National Suicide Bereavement Support Network. It has a ‘Group Directory’ and a ‘European Directory’ of support networks. Ireland’s national youth website. is a youth-led media initiative covering all aspects of youth info, health, lifestyle and activism. Teen-Line Ireland’s website. It provides information about their freephone helpline and other support services. If you feel alone, worried or distressed or just need someone to talk to, you can call their confidential helpline on 1800 833 634. Headline is Ireland’s national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media.

Need to talk? Samaritans is free to call in ROI on 116 123

Supporting suicide prevention in Ireland