Suicides in Northern Ireland – did you know?

  • Northern Ireland has a population of approximately 1.8 million (Office for National Statistics, 2012)
  • In 2014 there were 268 deaths registered as suicide in Northern Ireland, compared to 303 registrations in 2013. In addition, males were 3 times more likely to die from suicide than females (source: Registrar General Annual Report 2014). This report is available via the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency website and more information can be found on P. 42 of the report.
  • During the period 1999 to 2009, a total of 2,258 deaths were registered as suicide (source: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency).
  • The number of male suicides has increased steadily over recent years (during the late 1990’s and the early 2000’s). The female suicide rate has remained relatively constant over the same period.
  • Protect Life: A Shared Vision is the Northern Ireland Suicide Prevention Strategy & Action Plan (2012 – March 2014). Click here for more information.
  • The number of deaths registered as suicide in 2005 was 213, in 2006 it was 291, in 2007 it was 242, in 2008 it was 282, in 2009 it was 260, in 2010 it was 313, in 2011 it was 289 and in 2012 it was 278 (source: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency).
  • Suicide doesn’t just affect the younger generations – approximately one in eight of all suicides in Northern Ireland are in the over-60 age group (BBC News, June 2007).

Statistics for the years 1999 – 2003 showed:

  • More males die as a result of suicide than in transport accidents
  • More males die through suicide than as a result of either accidental falls or poisoning
  • More females die as a result of suicide than in transport accidents but fewer die as a result of suicide than from other external causes and accidental falls
  • Incidents of suicide were most common in those aged between 25 to 34 years
  • Suicide rates tended to be higher in urban than in rural areas

Unless otherwise stated, the above information was sourced from the Suicide Prevention Strategy Consultation documents.

Websites and points of contact

Note: The links are provided as a convenience only and should not be taken as an endorsement of any website, content, product or service. Visits to linked websites are at your own risk. bereavement, relationship problems, depression, self-harm, peer pressure, bullying, school pressure, sex, alcohol, drugs and problems at home can be some of the difficulties young people and teenagers experience. This website suggests advice and help for dealing with such issues and provides contact details for many relevant organisations in Northern Ireland. We are all vulnerable to emotional and mental distress, with at least 1 in 4 of us experiencing such distress at some time in our lives. We can all improve our emotional wellbeing, understand it better, nurture and look after it. How do you view mental health? What are the myths and truths? We all need to change our thinking and more importantly our behaviour. This website can help. This web site was conceived by the Northern Board to assist children, young people, their parents and professionals. It contains details and information on many (not all) of the services which exist to support children and young people with emotional or mental health issues. Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. Calls to Lifeline are FREE to people living in Northern Ireland who are calling from UK landlines and mobiles. from The Health Promotion Agency in Northern Ireland, this website contains information relevant to young people, adults, older people and professionals. The website has a Directory of Services relevant to Northern Ireland the Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health provides services for those with mental health needs, their carers, mental health professionals and other agencies.

Stamp Out Suicide! is the suicide awareness and prevention training aspect of ‘Ready to Help’.

Need someone to talk to? Call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000

Supporting suicide prevention in Northern Ireland